Sunday, January 18, 2009

Catch Up

I, Lindsey (Dave's sister) do hereby take creative liberties on updating Dave and Sarah's blog. As I sit here on Dave's laptop going through their camera and deciding myself which pictures to put on I wish I could tell witty stories on each of the pictures. However, I do not reside in this household which limits my story telling. Therefore, I choose to show updated events from the past months. I've attempted to get them to commit to regularly updating the blog, but it's still a struggle. Anyway, so here are some new developments in the Sellers' household!

Who would've thought that Dave would eventually give in and let the family adopt this adorable kitty?! Yup, Dave is a sucker for his girls and they now have a little kitty named Nike. Fitting? I think so. For Bryc'es birthday, Dave dressed up as Darth Vadar and had battles with the kids! Really entertaining to hear stories. It took some of the kids awhile to believe that they really were safe.
Also, for the third time this year they celebrated a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese's. Chuck actually came out and we got family pictures!

Before Thanksgiving I came up and got some new pictures of their family. Always good years to try and get the whole bunch smiling at the same time. Here were some attempts. Also, it was REALLY cold and around sunset so be very impressed that they are truly smiling!

Halloween! There are more of these too, but I can't find them. I'll try and get these two crazy parents to update their own blog....yeah, probably not! (Name that commercial....those of you from Denver should remember it!)


Amber and The Boys said...

Love it that Lindsey did the updating! That Darth Vader birthday idea is fantastic!

Wilde Things said...

Lindsey, you're too nice to them.
Good updating though.
And nice family pictures, you did do a good job.

Burridge said...

Thank you Lindsey!! It's nice to see what the six pack has been up to these last few months. Love Dave as Darth Vader.

Nathan said...

GOod work Linz. It helps knowing what these kids look like before we get back.

Emily said...

So grateful for this! Otherwise I would miss out on how cute my nieces and nephews are!